I'm not sure how many of you guys have heard of this homebrewed concoction, but one intrepid fellow thought of the brilliant idea to infuse the bold flavour of Skittles into several flasks of Vodka. Sound's strange, admittedly, but I was instantly hooked when I saw the marvellous single rainbow of colours. It also got me thinking as to how the Sour Skittles would taste like. Anyway, here's a picture of the recipe. I invite you all to try and replicate it, as I sure as hell will, once I find where to get some of those flasks.
Note: This is not my recipe. I just found it somewhere on the internet. Credit goes to the man; IheartMonster or something.
How to make Skittles Vodka
What You'll need:
- One 1.75 liter bottle of Vodka (Used here is Stoli; You don't need the most expensive, but avoid the cheap ones)
- Five 8.5 ounce flasks or bottles
- One 1 pound bag of skittles (or 2)
- Five empty plastic water bottles
- A funnel
- Bowls for seperating the Skittles
- A measuring cup
- Coffee filters or paper towels
You'll also want to cover your workspace with newspaper or freezer paper, as the infusion process tends to get messy. If you're making a different sized batch, this is the formula you need to know: Used here was 60 skittles to 6 ounces of vodka, which yields about 8 ounces of infused vodka. If you want to make 1.5 times that, or 3 times that, just multiply your amounts.
Step 1: Seperate the colours
Simply seperate the flavours. You will need 60 of each.
Step 2: Setting up your Infusion Bottles
Fill your water bottles with 6 ounces of vodka each. It doesn't need to be exact, as you can always even it out later by pouring in a bit more vodka to the ones that end up with less.
Step 3: Add the Skittles
Pour the Skittles of one flavour into one Infusion bottle, then pour the next flavour of skittles into the infusion bottle, and so on until all five bottles have a pile of Skittles soaking in the Vodka.
You could use a funnel, rather than use your fingers, but fingers are suggested, as its faster and easier to wash the flavour off of them then it would to constantly be washing the funnel.
Step 4: Shake it like a picture produced from a Polaroid camera
Now that your infusion bottles all have Skittles wasting away at the bottom, give each bottle a vigorous shake. The more you shake, the better. Once the coloured coating off the Skittles is removed, all that will be left the white insides.
After shaking them, set them aside for a few hours. It's a good idea to shake them again, especially if you plan on making a bigger batch. The skittles in the above photograph dissolved overnight. Once they're all dissolved, you may notice a lot of white crap floating around at the top. Don't worry. this will be taken care of in Step 6.
Step 5: Strain
There are a number of ways to strain this stuff to get all the white crap out. Some people prefer paper towels, but coffee filters were used in this particular method, which worked just as well. A funnel was placed inside a measuring cup.
Then, four coffee filters were placed into the funnel. It's hard to say exactly how many you would need since coffee filters differ. It should be noted though, that orange and green needed more filtration than the others. This was discovered when there was still remaining residue in those two flavours, despite the entire process being completed. It's no problem though, just restrain them once more through the coffee filter, and that should be sufficient. Moral of this story is, if you didn't strain it thoroughly enough, the good news is: you can always rectify your mistake.
Pour one of the infusions into your strainer setup. A good way to do this is to pour about a quarter in, then wait for some of it to soak through, then pour another quarter in, until you are done. If the strainer clogs with the white gunk, use a spoon to scrape it out of the way. In the end, you should have about 8 ounces of Skittle infused vodka. Dump the funnel and coffee filters into one of the bowls used earlier for countin out Skittles, to catch the drips as you painstakingly carry it to the sink. Wash everything out for re-using, except of course for the coffee filters. But be sure to rinse the filters out so the sugar won't attract any ants. Unless you live in the snow, in which case, where do you buy flasks in the snow?
Then take the liquid from the measuring cup and pour it into a flask via your now-clean funnel. You can see here that the green is a little thick, when it shouldn't have been. Hence, why it required refiltering. Rinse and repeat for each flavour.
Step 6: Chill & Serve
Now that you've got 5 or so flasks or bottles of Skittles-infused Vodka:
Stick them in the freezer for several hours, or overnight if you can.
...and then they're ready to serve!
Enjoy! Drink responsibly. |
Now get cookin'! (Or drainin')
- Bring_Napkins cordially invites you to taste the rainbow, motherfucker.